Thursday, March 4, 2010


It would appear that the speaker is correct. I absolutely agree that technology cannot change human`s nature. However, in my view, technology only can improve ways to live.
It is obvious that first mistakes had made by first human being is still doing by their sons after thousand years later. By the rime, technology has been improved; the way of killing people is changed, but not stopped. While, Son of Adam called Cain, first murder in the world, used stone for killing his brother, today`s murders are using gun ,bomb, or other weapon to kill people, instead of rock. I do not think so, technology helped people to change their violence. Maybe it is helping to change the way of doing it.
Second, millions of children and people are still hunger in the planet, Earth. Technology provided the voyage to the Moon, not to the Africa. People found the way how to preserve food, how to raise crop in a short time and in effective way. However, technology could not stop starvation. Giving food to hunger is related to the humanitarian, not related to the machines.
Lastly, peoples are driving luxury car, train or plane for traveling, living in skydivers or huge community building, and using computers or laptop to communicate over the sea, and so forth. In contrast, millions of people are still needy, poor, so technology could not stop poverty because peoples do not need any technological innovations to share their property. They just need feeling.
In sum, that technology had a chance to change humans ‘environments, not to change human`s temperaments. . All the circumstances in the life are completely related with the natural dispositions, feelings, and emotions. Do you think, one day, someone would discover a special machine to put emotion in to the people?

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