Monday, February 1, 2010

Traditional and Innovative Teaching Techniques

Even though traditional and innovative teaching methods are both used by an effective teacher, they are strikingly different in many ways. Chalk and talk approach, the old-fashion teaching method, has many disadvantages, yet it is still more common in the education field. Innovative teaching method, on the other hand, is more effective and efficient teaching approach than traditional one in education field. First difference is that traditional teaching method is teacher –centered. Therefore, instructors consider themselves as a controller of the learning environment. Power and responsibilities are held by them. They regard students as empty cups that need to be filled by information. Teachers often continuously talk for an hour without students` respond and feedback. In contrast, innovative teaching methods are learner-centered approaches that focus on active learning. Teachers also play a role as coaches and guides, not only lecturer. Instructors guide without dictating, participate without dominating the learning process. Learners’ questions are as important as lectures being presented by teachers. Discussion groups, hand-s on experiments, outside activities seem to help students to gain empirical knowledge. Second important difference concerns the materials utilized in instruction. Traditional style teachers usually use textbooks, lecturer notes and chalkboard or whiteboard while lecturing is the only mode of teaching which may limit students` attention span to approximately twenty minutes. In this style, students may lose information easily. In contrast, innovative style teachers enrich their lessons using different materials such as text, images, animation, audio, and video. Using internet, computers, digital camera, and mp3 player increase students` attention span. Students absorb more information from what they see or do than from what they hear. Innovative style approach is eloquently described by Confucius who said “I hear and I forget. I see and I believe. I do and I understand. When the instructors integrate technology instruments into curriculum, learning becomes interesting and meaningful for the students. “Although having several disadvantages, traditional teaching style is still very common in instruction field. However, the innovative learning method is more effective than traditional one in education.

1 comment:

  1. Very good job! I think that you can improve your paragraph making more clear that the innovative learning methods are better than the traditional. As a result your conclusion is going to be stronger.
