Friday, March 5, 2010

Effective Teacher Qualities

A new study, based on responses from more than 2,500 colleges and universities, of online education in the U.S. finds that more students than ever are taking distance learning courses —a 17 percent jump from 2007 to 2008. While distance education is getting much popular in the area nowadays, effectual educators are still the key factor that influences and shapes students` life and success. The researchers clearly show that a critical link between effective teaching and students` academic and personal success. Effective teachers, whose abilities help to students learn high level, and grow into a better individual, have three foremost qualities that are emerged as central: subject matter content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and communication skills.
The first and significant quality of effective teachers is subject matter content knowledge which basically means what the teachers know or what to teach. Educators with mastery of subject matter knowledge would be particularly effective in assigning it to students. It is essential that the instructors need understand the subject matter strongly and intensely to teach all students successfully according today`s standards. In general, teachers with rich subject knowledge tend to emphasize different aspect of their subject in order to teach scope of children in a variety way of teaching and connecting with other subject.; less knowledgeable teachers stick closely to teachers` plan or textbook, sometimes miss focusing on important ideas and connection to other ideas. Knowing science, for example, entails knowing something about rules for evidence and how scientific knowledge is established and how the rules can be used in everyday life.
Second important excellence is pedagogical content knowledge which means how to teach. In his book Shulman cites that, “Pedagogical content knowledge identifies the distinctive bodies of knowledge for teaching. It represents the blending of content and pedagogy into an understanding of how particular topics, problems or issues are organized, represented, and adapted to the diverse interests and abilities of learners, and presented for instruction.”(Shulman, 1986, P-4). Teachers who have pedagogical skills, abilities and collaborative instructional strategies with variety of teaching techniques apply into learning process such as teaming, mutual learning groups, discussion groups and hands-on activities, out of class activities or projects in order to connect the subject content to real world to encourage the students to be successful person.
Lastly, effective teachers are also good communicators. The successful teachers who are also effective communicator are able to communicate with students, parents, colleagues, administrators, and community members using a variety of formats and media to support their teaching .Teachers influence best by collaborating with other stuff members to share their ideas and assist other teachers with difficulties, working with parents to learn more about their children and looking closely at students and their intelligence and emotions. The effective educators are professional in their written and spoken communications, and do not engage in unfounded information or let down private information about students, their families, or other professionals.
To sum up, whereas online education is spreading all around the world, effectual teachers still carry on their momentous role in the education. Teachers differ greatly in their efficiency, but teachers, knowledgeable about the content of the subjects they teach; have the skills and dispositions to teach those subjects effectively, and good communicator with their environments provide the best learning opportunities for all students .
• February 23, 2010 ,” Online Education Facts & Statistics : Latest Online Learning News “ (visited 3 March 2010)

• Shulman, L. (1987) “Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform. Harvard Educational Review, “ (visited 3 March 2010)

• Stronge,James H. “Qualities of Effective Teachers: Teachers as a person”
(visited 3 March 2010)

Thursday, March 4, 2010


It would appear that the speaker is correct. I absolutely agree that technology cannot change human`s nature. However, in my view, technology only can improve ways to live.
It is obvious that first mistakes had made by first human being is still doing by their sons after thousand years later. By the rime, technology has been improved; the way of killing people is changed, but not stopped. While, Son of Adam called Cain, first murder in the world, used stone for killing his brother, today`s murders are using gun ,bomb, or other weapon to kill people, instead of rock. I do not think so, technology helped people to change their violence. Maybe it is helping to change the way of doing it.
Second, millions of children and people are still hunger in the planet, Earth. Technology provided the voyage to the Moon, not to the Africa. People found the way how to preserve food, how to raise crop in a short time and in effective way. However, technology could not stop starvation. Giving food to hunger is related to the humanitarian, not related to the machines.
Lastly, peoples are driving luxury car, train or plane for traveling, living in skydivers or huge community building, and using computers or laptop to communicate over the sea, and so forth. In contrast, millions of people are still needy, poor, so technology could not stop poverty because peoples do not need any technological innovations to share their property. They just need feeling.
In sum, that technology had a chance to change humans ‘environments, not to change human`s temperaments. . All the circumstances in the life are completely related with the natural dispositions, feelings, and emotions. Do you think, one day, someone would discover a special machine to put emotion in to the people?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Effective Teacher Qualities

A new study, based on responses from more than 2,500 colleges and universities, of online education in the U.S. finds that more students than ever are taking distance learning courses —a 17 percent jump from 2007 to 2008. These findings are specific to college-level learning as the researchers found that not enough studies exist at the K-12 level. While distance education is getting much popular in the area, effectual teachers are still the key factor that influences and shapes students` life and success. Effective teachers, whose abilities help to students learn high level, and grow into a better individual, have three foremost qualities that are emerged as central: content knowledge, pedagogical skills and communication skills.
To sum up, whereas online education is spreading all around world, effectual teachers still carry on their significant role in the education. Teachers differ greatly in their effectiveness, but teachers with three key characteristics such as subject knowledge, tutorial capabilities and good communication aptitudes are always successful.
I did not finish my body paragraph.I will work on it today.

Monday, February 22, 2010


In the article entitled, “Teaching girls and boys differently”, author talks about Psychologist-Doctor Leonard Sax`s first book "Why Gender Matters" (Random House). Basically Sax states that, having physical and psychological differences, boys and girls should be educated differently. He supports his point by using a combination of his personal experience and other research evidences. He considers the main issue that young boys have more problems to see a doctor than girls because they are being taught by mostly women teacher. Gathering evidences found developmental differences between man and women in brain structure. Therefore, girls are better at understanding facial expressions and talking about feelings. On the other side, boys take more risks and are commonly more attracted to violent behavior. In addition, boys’ and girls’ learning styles also different than each other such as girls have a tendency to ask for help while boys seek advice from teacher as a last choice. He also points that boys and girls usually respond to different motivation methods. The article concludes by saying that, instructors should consider dissimilarities between boys and girls in the teaching field for finding a correct resolution instead of giving medication.
His insights all based on scientific evidence and his personal experiences not only influence educators who want to teach their students high level, also provide outstanding strategy for parents who are struggling with their child. How parenting boys is different from parenting girls is an aged issue that many parents still debate. Studies and researches all around the world try to find an answer of this question. Parents cannot show same reaction to their boys and girls. Knowing emotional and physical differences between boys and girls, parents would help and guide their children in a good manner. The psychologists recommend us considering that girls love talking boys love walking. Boys like to watch or/and be part of action and tend to be more easily agitated than girls do. Besides, boys prefer looking a group of people rather than individuals. While boys try to fix problem, girls try to listen carefully. As a result, gender is an only part of what makes them who they are. Regarding their gender and trying to understand their feelings and tending, parents not only help their children, but also help society better place whose individuals are healthy person.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Timed Writing 3

There are a lot of contests,and competition running all around the world. Adults, young people, children even toddlers and infants have been attending into an enormous variety of competitions. Also, there are too many choices of contest for animals and plants. Although many people believe that the best preparation for life or a career is learning to be competitive, I do not agree with that aspect for the following reason.
First, the human being is a social creature who communicates in order to seek to understand one another. We are not single individual in the life. Without our parents, friend, or social environment, we are nothing. Learning est is related to someone who is the looser. Nobody wants to be a looser. With a group work, everyone can beat the life.
Second, the human being is naturally needed help every day from others. People are not single individual on the Earth. Being successful in personal or academic life, we need each other. First of all, we need our parents to be raised. We learned that how to speak, walk and run. Starting the school, our teachers and mentors help to understand the contest of subjects. Helping each other makes the life better and successful. Also, birds, dogs, cats, tigers, all of off springs` of animal need their mother.

For all the reason given above, I believe that the best preparation for life or career is learning to be cooperative. People are just a single tree or bush in the forest not a racehorse in the field.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Time Writing 2 : How About Our World Mates?

Some people feel that human activities make the Earth a better place to live. In contrast, most people do not feel that way. They think that peoples, animals, and plants have to share same environment in the Earth. By human activities, animals and plants are being harmed.
First of all, animals are our natural friend which we live in same neighborhood. They really serve us to live well. For building apartments, stores, malls, people destroy their home. Every year, many forest terminating for building huge apartments. How about its inside? Do the people built any building for wolf, deer, squirrels, ants, and insects. While people use the animals for thons of reason, they do not protect very well when improving human`s life. Some animals became extinct by the time.
Seconds, plants are our world`s lungs to help us to breath. While without plants, our world cannot breathe, every year thousands of trees have been cut by people to make paper or other goods. Like animals, most plants are came extinct by human`s activities. Even though plants` and animals’ life related to each other, human being seems not to consider them. Many industries pollute the world by giving carbon monoxide to sky. By the time our lung became ill. It’s coughing despite smoking of human being.
In conclusion, people have to consider their roommate which is sharing in same place to live with them. Without protection, the Earth is being damaged by human activities. While people makes the Earth a better place to live, animals and plants, our world mates are being destroying by their neighbor. I think, we protect our world mates, instead of the destroy them.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Traditional and Innovative Teaching Techniques

Even though traditional and innovative teaching methods are both used by an effective teacher, they are strikingly different in many ways. Chalk and talk approach, the old-fashion teaching method, has many disadvantages, yet it is still more common in the education field. Innovative teaching method, on the other hand, is more effective and efficient teaching approach than traditional one in education field. First difference is that traditional teaching method is teacher –centered. Therefore, instructors consider themselves as a controller of the learning environment. Power and responsibilities are held by them. They regard students as empty cups that need to be filled by information. Teachers often continuously talk for an hour without students` respond and feedback. In contrast, innovative teaching methods are learner-centered approaches that focus on active learning. Teachers also play a role as coaches and guides, not only lecturer. Instructors guide without dictating, participate without dominating the learning process. Learners’ questions are as important as lectures being presented by teachers. Discussion groups, hand-s on experiments, outside activities seem to help students to gain empirical knowledge. Second important difference concerns the materials utilized in instruction. Traditional style teachers usually use textbooks, lecturer notes and chalkboard or whiteboard while lecturing is the only mode of teaching which may limit students` attention span to approximately twenty minutes. In this style, students may lose information easily. In contrast, innovative style teachers enrich their lessons using different materials such as text, images, animation, audio, and video. Using internet, computers, digital camera, and mp3 player increase students` attention span. Students absorb more information from what they see or do than from what they hear. Innovative style approach is eloquently described by Confucius who said “I hear and I forget. I see and I believe. I do and I understand. When the instructors integrate technology instruments into curriculum, learning becomes interesting and meaningful for the students. “Although having several disadvantages, traditional teaching style is still very common in instruction field. However, the innovative learning method is more effective than traditional one in education.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Timed Writing-1

Most people believe that money is the most important thing in the world .They always say that “Money, money, money” like Napoleon .However; they believe financial gain is the most significant factor in choosing a career.
I do not agree with this. I believe that there should be many important factors in choosing a career.
First of all, for me, helping other people is the most important factor to choose a career. In generally, fire workers, policeman, teachers do not get more money for doing their job. But, they help other people more than other career. For example, I am a teacher. I chose this job because I like to help people more than anything. I do not earn more money, but I am very happy to help the children. Choosing this career, I can help children to learn for the future. It was my goal.
Second important reason to choose a career is special abilities or skills. Painters, singers, or some sportsmen have special abilities for doing their job. They choose their job, because they have special skills that they want to show their skills to other peoples. My son draws pictures very well. He won first place prize last year in statewide competition. He likes to draw. He wants to be a painter when he grows up. He knows that some painters are very poor in their life and does not earn much many. Still, he wants to be a painter.
In conclusions, some people choose their job for earning money, but some for helping other people or having special abilities in some field.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Teacher effectiveness is the ability of the teacher helps the student get high level achivement.Clearly,no single indicator can describe teacher effectivness,but a combination of indicators can draw fairly.Every effective teacher should have content knowledge and pedagocical skills to get succes in education.
First of all, content knowledge plays huge role in the teaching filed.Teachers` content knowledge makes a big difference in their instarctural practices and their students achivements.In mathematics, more knowledgeable teachers are able present soutlion of the problem that is familier to the students and to link problems to what students have already learned.They also can expalin alternative ways or methods to the different levels of the students or give additional information.In contrast, teacher with less knowledge may have difficulties to explain solutions of the problem or to find out correct answers without textbook.Another important indicator of teacher effectiveness os pedagigical skills.An effective and an efficient teacher can use special teaching methods and techniques in their subject area to create a special learning enviroment in which students feel comfortable and are sure that they ccan reach their academic and personal goals.Thecher with these skills can find the appriprote methods which can attract students` attention depending their age and interest.For example,hands on activities,smart board,discussion groups,healthy compettitions are the most common teching tecniques which demonstrate teachers` teaching abilities to encourage students to get a succesfull life.In conclusion,teacher quality is realted to teachers` subject knowledge and the teaching abilities.